PURPOSE: To evaluate the radiographic appearance of a pancreaticogastr
ostomy (PG) and its complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two
patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy and PG or pancreaticojejuno
stomy. Those who underwent PG and were evaluated postoperatively with
T-tube cholangiography and upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series constit
ute the study group (n = 22; 10 men, 12 women; age range, 33-88 years)
. RESULTS: Twenty-one of the patients had a gastric filling defect rad
iographically detected. Four patients had clinically apparent delayed
gastric emptying and one patient had a clinically apparent pancreatic
fistula not detected radiographically. Two patients outside the study
group had complications: One had a pancreatic fistula seen only with s
inography, and one had a PG leak seen only with repeat UGI series and
computed tomography (CT). CONCLUSION: PG caused a gastric filling defe
ct in most patients. Suspected pancreatic fistulas are best confirmed
with sinography, and suspected PG leaks may require repeat evaluation
and CT. Clinical findings of delayed gastric emptying do not correlate
with findings of UGI.