The association between dimensions of perfectionism and state and trai
t anxiety was examined in three studies. Study 1 and Study 2 were corr
elational studies that investigated the link between dimensions of per
fectionism (i.e., self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescrib
ed perfectionism) and the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS
). Taken together, the results indicated that self-oriented and social
ly prescribed perfectionism are correlated significantly with both the
cognitive-worry and autonomic-arousal components of state anxiety. As
for the trait anxiety measures, self-oriented perfectionism was assoc
iated with the ambiguous and social evaluation facets in Study 1, and
socially prescribed perfectionism was associated with the ambiguous an
d daily routines facets in Study 2. The purpose of Study 3 was to exam
ine perfectionism and state anxiety under conditions of high versus lo
w ego involvement. It was found that socially prescribed perfectionism
was associated with higher state anxiety, but only in the high ego in
volvement condition. Self-oriented perfectionism was unrelated to stat
e anxiety in either experimental condition. Overall, the findings indi
cate that socially prescribed perfectionism is the dimension linked mo
st closely with components of state and trait anxiety, especially unde
r conditions of ego threat. The results are discussed in terms of the
need for an interactional approach to the study of the social aspects
of both perfectionism and anxiety.