A process planning model is developed in conjunction with a genetic al
gorithm. The model first receives the flow network description of poss
ible process plans. The goal is to find the best plan according to som
e prescribed objective criteria. A novel stage binary matrix format is
then applied to describe each stage in a how network. This formulatio
n allows proper representation of possible routes as binary strings to
be used by a genetic algorithm. Each string is directly mapped onto a
zero/one stage matrix. A ''zero'' bit in these strings represents no
connection between two nodes in the flow network, whereas a ''one'' bi
t denotes a connection between the corresponding nodes. The binary sta
ge matrix representation also facilitates the employment of a modifica
tion procedure to ensure that a single distinct path (indication of a
process plan) exists in each individual network. The model, developed
in the paper, is first illustrated using a simple network. The perform
ance of the computer program based on this model is then evaluated for
different sizes of networks.