Uranium in two new chondrites-Yanzhuang Meteorite and Sixiangkou Meteo
rite in China-as well as in jilin Meteorite has been mapped by the fis
sion track technique after different annealing temperatures from 700 t
o 1300 degrees C for 1 hour. Uranium concentration and microscopic dis
tribution have been obtained by counting tracks of induced fissions of
U-235 in, the meteorites. It shows that: (1) Uranium concentration in
chondrules decreases with increasing of annealing temperature while t
he total uranium concentration in chondrules and their surrounding mat
erials in each chondrite is nearly constant. This means that uranium m
igrates from inside to outside of chondrules at rate which increases a
s temperature increases. (2)Total Uranium concentration is about 20 pp
b in Sixiangkou Meteorite and about 14 ppb in both Yanzhuang Meteorite
and Jilin Meteorite. These results confirm that Uranium concentration
in L group of meteorites is higher than that in H group. (3)It seems
that the informations of Uranium concentration and its microscopic dis
tribution can be used to study the processes of formation and evolutio
n of chondrites.