An electrical current passing through a perfectly smooth narrow constr
iction is carried by a finite number of quantized modes (analogous to
those in a waveguide), each of which contributes 2e(2)/h to the conduc
tance(1). Conductance quantization has been observed in semiconductor
devices containing a two-dimensional electron gas(2,3), where the widt
h of the constriction is adjusted continuously by applying an electric
field. A similar effect is expected to occur in three-dimensional met
allic point contacts(4,5), and conductance steps of approximately 2e(2
)/h have recently been observed(6-10). But metallic point contacts do
not change size continuously(6), and thus the conductance steps report
ed in these earlier experiments might be attributable to discrete rear
rangements of the atomic structure of the contact, rather than true co
nductance quantization(11). Here we use the fact that the degeneracy o
f the conduction modes of a three-dimensional point contact should res
ult in a characteristic sequence of conductance values(4,5) (some inte
ger multiples of 2e(2)/h are excluded) to distinguish the effects of c
onductance quantization from those of discrete variations in contact s
ize in a break-junction experiment, confirming that conductance quanti
zation does indeed occur.