The dual stresses of pregnancy and exercise may create conflicting phy
siological demands that could adversely affect pregnancy outcome, Spec
ifically redistribution of uterine blood flow and subsequent fetal hyp
oxia, hyperthermia and the risk of teratogenic effects, decreased carb
ohydrate availability for the fetus, and increased uterine contractili
ty with a possible increase in risk for pre-term labour, all pose pote
ntial threats to fetal growth and development. However, despite these
potential risks, literature dealing with exercise and pregnancy outcom
e generally shows neutral or somewhat favourable effects. A few studie
s have found reduced birthweight, shortened gestation, and less gestat
ional weight gain among women who continue vigorous exercise during pr
egnancy compared with those who discontinue exercise or who are sedent
ary. However, most studies find little, if any, association between ex
ercise and birthweight or gestational age, In contrast, studies of occ
upational physical activity often show an association between heavy ph
ysical work and lower birthweight and shorter gestation, especially in
women in developing societies whose nutritional status may be comprom
ised, Standing, in particular, may be associated with increased risk o
f prematurity. Although other outcomes, such as length of labour, type
of delivery have not been well studied, there is no indication of any
negative associations with exercise. There is limited evidence which
suggests that exercise is related to shorter labour and is a useful tr
eatment for gestational diabetes. Exercise is also associated with few
er symptoms and discomforts of pregnancy, This relationship is tempora
l in that exercise earlier in pregnancy is associated with fewer sympt
oms later in pregnancy. The lack of evidence for any harmful effects o
f exercise on pregnancy outcome indicates that, for healthy, well-nour
ished women, exercise during pregnancy is safe and subject to few rest
rictions. This conclusion is reflected in the revised, 1994 recommenda
tions of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.