Lam. Ferreira et al., IN-VITRO PERCUTANEOUS-ABSORPTION OF METRONIDAZOLE AND GLUCOSE - COMPARISON OF O W, W/O/W AND W/O SYSTEMS/, International journal of pharmaceutics, 121(2), 1995, pp. 169-179
The percutaneous absorption of model hydrophilic drugs with intermedia
te and high polarity, metronidazole and glucose, respectively, from th
ree emulsion types (o/w, w/o/w and w/o) has been studied. All the emul
sions were prepared with exactly the same composition in order to avoi
d the influence of the formulation and to study the role of the emulsi
on type alone. The yield of the w/o/w emulsion containing glucose was
high (95.8%), while that of the w/o/w emulsion containing metronidazol
e was lower (77.6%), although the multiple character of the emulsion w
as not in question. Absorption of metronidazole across hairless rat sk
in over 24 h ranged from 55 to 69% of the applied dose and was similar
for the three emulsions studied. Absorption of glucose ranged from 1
to 4% and was found to be greater from the o/w emulsion than that obse
rved from the w/o/w or w/o emulsions. The amount of glucose found in t
he dermis seems to be dependent on the emulsion type: o/w > w/o/w cong
ruent to w/o. The differences between the emulsions cannot be attribut
ed only to the evaporation rate of water alone. X-ray diffraction patt
erns obtained after treatment of the stratum corneum with the three em
ulsions did not display any difference, but were somewhat different fr
om that observed with untreated stratum corneum.