The performance of conductometric gas sensors (e.g. semiconducting oxi
de) is often reduced by the poisoning of the active film or by poor lo
ng-term stability of the output signal. In this paper we propose the u
se of an integrated pair of sensing elements, one with a narrow electr
ode gap and the other with a wide electrode gap compared with the film
thickness, to recognise or overcome these disadvantages. Equations ar
e derived that describe the steady-state response of such a device for
the two limiting cases of a uniform gas concentration within the film
(type I) and a distance-dependent one with a boundary (type II). The
characteristic response, or operating curve, of a sensor pair for a ty
pe I material can then be used as a realtime diagnostic for poisoning
of the film, whereas the response for a type II material can be used t
o improve sensor stability by eliminating undesirable common-mode sign
als. The basic principles apply to several classes of materials includ
ing both organic semiconductors (usually type I) and inorganic semicon
ductors (usually type II).