Small-angle neutron scattering measurements have been performed on two
polymer blend systems under pressure. Deuterated polystyrene (PSD)/po
ly(vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) and PSD/poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA)
blends have been investigated over a range of temperatures and pressur
es. For the PSD/PVME blend, three compositions were investigated, wher
eas for the PSD/PBMA. system, only one composition was measured. It wa
s found that pressure has the effect of enhancing miscibility for both
blends. Our PSD/PVME measurements have shown strong pressure effects
on the scattered intensity but no weakening of the composition depende
nce of the Flory-Huggins chi parameter under applied pressure; this el
iminates compressibility as a possible cause for the origin of the com
position dependence of chi in this blend system. Moreover, both the en
tropic part, C, and the enthalpic part, D, of the chi parameter (chi =
C + D/T, where T is absolute temperature) were found to depend on pre