In the developing nervous system, motor axons grow away from the ventr
al midline floor plate, suggesting that the latter might be a source o
f repulsive axonal guidance cues. In donor to host transplantation exp
eriments, ectopic pieces of floor plate were positioned between chick
hindbrain motor neurons and their exit points. Immunohistochemistry an
d retrograde axonal labeling techniques demonstrated that motor axons
diverted from their normal pathways to avoid grafted floor plate, ofte
n traversing abnormally long circuitous trajectories to reach exit poi
nts. When ventral explants of rat hindbrain and spinal cord were cocul
tured at a distance from floor plate explants within collagen gel matr
ices, the outgrowth of motor axons was dramatically reduced from expla
nt borders that faced the floor plate. Thus, the floor plate secretes
diffusible repulsive cues in vitro that may exclude motor axons from t
he midline during development.