Flame chlorosis (FC), a viruslike disease of cereals, is associated sp
ecifically with double-stranded RNAs (FCdsRNAs). The FCdsRNAs can be d
etected by dot blot hybridization assay that is adequate for detecting
FC-RNA in symptomatic areas of infected leaf tissue, but has proved i
nsufficiently sensitive to detect FC-RNA in small (less than or equal
to 10 mg) quantities of suspect root tissue or mycelium of candidate f
ungal vectors. A reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay
to detect FC-RNA (FC-RT-PCR) was developed to improve sensitivity. To
tal RNA was extracted from milligram quantities of test tissue, revers
e transcribed, and amplified by the PCR. The primer pairs #86 [F:5'-CT
. These primer pairs had been determined from a consensus 821-bp FC se
quence covering an open reading frame (GenBank No. X59248), and were p
redicted to yield 358- and 347-bp DNA fragments, respectively. Sensiti
vity of specific FC-RNA detection was further enhanced by hybridizatio
n of the RT-PCR product to digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe (digFC-RNA) u
sed in the earlier FC dot blot hybridization assay; the digoxigenin la
bel was subsequently reported with enzyme-linked antidigoxigenin antib
ody and chromogenic substrate.