Over the 6 years between 1987 and 1992 we have observed 2789 asteroids
with the Tautenburg (1340/2000/4000) Schmidt telescope and calculated
10,071 positions for them. The detected objects are divided into 574
numbered planets and 2215 with provisional designations. The last grou
p was split into 1738 ''new'' objects (78.5%) which could not have bee
n identified with any other observed objects, and in 477 objects (21.5
%) which were identified directly with an object previously observed.
Referring to new provisional designations, Tautenburg ranks among the
six most active institutes. Forty-one numbered objects are discoveries
of Tautenburg. In these 6 years 1101 orbit determinations were compil
ed from the literature. The number of successful identifications is re
markably high. Our observations represent a considerable addition to t
he total system of asteroid observations.