Mice that had been radiolabeled with one of seven isotopes by intraper
itoneal or subcutaneous administration were dry-distilled at 800 degre
es C for 10 min, and the fate of the radionuclide was examined. The ra
dionuclides administered were H-3, C-14, P-32, S-35, Ca-45, Cr-51, and
I-125, all of which are commonly used in animal experiments. After dr
y-distillation, 95% of H-3 was found in the distillate (condensate), a
nd 80% and 16% of C-14 were recovered from exhaust gas and residual so
lids, respectively. Only between 10 and 20% of S-35 was found in disti
llate. The remainder of the residual S-35 was recovered from the inner
wall of the exhaust vent of the dry-distillation equipment. About 24%
of I-125 was also recovered from the inner wall of this same exhaust
vent, and the residual radioactive materials were recovered from the r
esidual solids. On the other hand, P-32, Ca-45, and Cr-51 were recover
ed entirely from the residual solids. The weight of the animals decrea
sed to about 10%, and the volume to about 20% (mice and rats) to 40% (
rabbits) after dry-distillation. The residual solids of animal wastes
generated by dry-distillation were odorless and chemically and biologi
cally stable. Dry-distillation has many merits as a pretreatment for t
he disposal of animal wastes containing radioactive material because o
f the easy handling, storage, and transportation of the residual solid