This paper aims to give a record of the National Study of Health and G
rowth (NSHG) in terms of structure, process, its scientific contributi
on, outcome measurements, and the commissioning and funding of the stu
dy. The NSHG is a nutritional monitoring system of primary school chil
dren. The study included three samples: representative English and Sco
ttish samples, and an inner city sample. There were 56 study areas and
50% were surveyed every year. The study was started in 1972 and ran w
ithout interruption for 23 years. Measurements were taken for height,
weight and skinfold thickness for more than 95% of the children and th
e response rate to the questionnaire was approximately 85%. This level
of collaboration did not diminish over time. More than 80 papers have
been published on the study. Results from the study have documented a
n increase of height and obesity in England and Scotland, and an incre
ase in asthma. The NSHG has shown that research units in a university
environment can marry the scientific and administrative tasks of a lar
ge survey carried out over a long-term period.