Quantitative and qualitative nutritional requirements depend on the le
vel of energetic expenses. Various formulas, especially the tables by
Harris and Benedict allow the estimation of the level of energetic exp
enses with an approximation of 14 %. Corrective factors permit an adju
stment of the figures, according to the level of body aggression. In c
omplex cases, indirect calorimetry allows a more accurate appraisal of
energetic expenses. This technique provides also indications on the u
tilisation of each substrate and allows therefore to determine the opt
imal carbohydrate-lipid ratio for each patient. The assessment of the
direct benefit of artificial nutritional support relies on anthropomet
ric techniques and at present on body composition appraisal by determi
nation of its impedance. The changes in muscular strength are difficul
t to assess. Moreover the time course of body weight is not specific f
or nutritional status. Therefore other biological indicators such as t
he nitrogen balance, the concentration of plasma proteins and albumin
are more often assessed; proteins with a short half-life depend on the
body aggression level. The potassium balance, which is easy to obtain
in clinical practice, is a relevant indicator for nitrogen balance an
d protein synthesis. Clinical monitoring includes the checking of hydr
atation and its impact on the circulatory, respiratory and renal funct
ions. The tolerance of enteral nutrition is appraised by the quality o
f gastrointestinal function; Biological monitoring includes the electr
olyte balance and various variables of carbohydrate, lipidic and prote
ic metabolisms. It allows to check the absence of hyperglycaemia, hype
rlipidaemia and cholestasis. The daily checking of catheters is part o
f the monitoring of nutritional support. It is concluded that appraisa
l and monitoring of postoperative nutritional support can be achieved
in a majority of patients with indicators easily available in daily pr