Recently, a classification of matrices of class Z was introduced by Fi
edler and Markham. This classification contains the classes of M-matri
ces and the classes of N-o- and F-o-matrices studied by Fan, G. Johnso
n, and Smith. The problem of determining which nonsingular matrices ha
ve inverses which are Z-matrices is called the inverse Z-matrix proble
m. For special classes of Z-matrices, such as the M- and N-o-matrices,
there exist at least partial results, i.e., special classes of matric
es have been introduced for which the inverse of such a matrix is an M
-matrix or an N-o-matrix. Here, we define a system of classes of matri
ces for which the inverse of each matrix of each class belongs to one
class of the classification of Z-matrices defined by Fiedler and Markh
am. Moreover, certain properties of the matrices of each class are est
ablished, e.g., inequalities for the sum of the entries of the inverse
and the structure of certain Schur complements. We also give a necess
ary and sufficient condition for regularity. The class of inverse N-o-
matrices given here generalizes the class of inverse N-o-matrices disc
ussed by Johnson. All results established here can be applied to a cla
ss of distance matrices which corresponds to a nonarchimedean metric.
This metric arises in p-adic number theory and in taxonomy.