UNILATERAL dopamine deficiency of the basal ganglia produced a profoun
d impairment of visual search. Dopaminergic innervation of the monkey
striatum was deprived unilaterally by infusing 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3
,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) into the caudate nucleus. The monkeys wer
e shown a mirror in which they saw their own image and surroundings. C
ompared with the concentric and symmetrical distribution of visual sea
rch before MPTP infusion, the gaze after MPTP infusion was confined an
d sometimes frozen in peripheral regions in the hemispace ipsilateral
to the infusion; the contralateral side was largely neglected. An expe
riment using a choice saccade task indicated that the contralateral vi
sual signal, which alone was processed normally, was suppressed by the
ipsilateral signal.