In epidemiology, there is an inclination to consider more credible the
larger estimates of exposure effect. For example, higher relative ris
ks or rate ratios are often emphasized as a criterion for choosing amo
ng various hypothesized exposure-lag values. An alternative criterion
for this choice might be based on a goodness of-fit measure. We presen
t examples, based on hypothetical data, in which an exposure lag param
eter is:estimated by trial and error fitting: we compare the behavior
of the likelihood-ratio goodness of-fit statistic ob rained over the a
ssigned values of the parameter with that of the relative risk. We sho
w that there can be inconsistencies between the highest estimate and l
ikelihood based goodness-of-fit criteria. Concern about the validity o
f the highest-estimate criterion prompts us to recommend that this cri
terion not be used for the estimation of exposure weighting parameters
, which should preferably be based on a priori biological knowledge ed
ge or on goodness of-fit criteria.