Aim: We performed ethoxy-N-[(1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)methyl]benzamide (
I-123-IBZM)-scintigraphy to evaluate the usefulness of this radiopharm
aceutic agent for the diagnosis of malignant melanomas. Methods: We pe
rformed whole body scintigraphies after intravenous application of I-1
23-IBZM in 20 patients and compared the scintigrafic findings with the
results of other imaging methods. Results: In four patients no melano
tic lesions were detectable, neither by I-123-IBZM-scintigraphy nor by
other imaging procedures. A scintigraphic detection of cutaneous or s
ubcutaneous lesions was possible in four of ten patients. I-123-IBZM-s
cintigraphy showed pathological findings in five of ten patients with
lymph node metastases. Two patients had brain metastases, in four pati
ents lung localizations were present. None of these organic manifestat
ions was discovered by scintigraphic means. Amelanotic lesions never s
howed an accumulation of I-123-IBZM. It was not possible to detect any
''new'' lesions, i.e. lesions not visualized by other imaging procedu
res. Conclusion: I-123-IBZM-scintigraphy did not present additional in
formation important for the therapy of patients with malignant melanom