The rat pancreas has frequently been used as an animal model to study
changes in islet cells ib pathological conditions, such as diabetes me
llitus and islet cell tumours, but detailed quantitative data on the i
slets are not available. This study was therefore undertaken to invest
igate (1) the volume density of pancreatic islets, (2) islet diameter,
islet volume and islet cell number and (3) islet cell pattern, i.e. t
he distribution, volume and number of each cell type per islet. The st
udy also investigated the possibility of differences in various pancre
atic regions derived from the dorsal primordium. The rat pancreas was
divided into 4 regions: lower duodenal (derived from the ventral primo
rdium) and upper duodenal, gastric and splenic regions (derived from t
he dorsal primordium). Sections were stained immunocytochemically with
anti-insulin (B cells), antiglucagon (A cells), antisomatostatin (D c
ells) and antipancreatic polypeptide (PP cells) antibodies, and were u
sed for morphometric analysis. A total of 1292 islets was examined, 32
8 from the lower duodenal, 245 from the upper duodenal, 314 from the g
astric and 405 from the splenic regions. The mean volume density of th
e islets per pancreatic tissue was found to be 2.6 +/- 0.1 %, 2.3 +/-
0.1 %, 2.9 +/- 0.2 % and 3.3 +/- 0.2 %, in the lower duodenal, upper d
uodenal, gastric and splenic regions, respectively. The size-frequency
distribution of the profile diameters of the islets showed an overall
shift of all the size classes towards smaller sizes in the upper duod
enal region, and towards larger sizes in the splenic region, as compar
ed with the corresponding classes of the other regions. Two types of i
slets were identified, a PP-rich islet, characteristic of the lower du
odenal region, and a glucagon-rich islet, characteristic of the upper
duodenal, gastric and splenic regions. A significant difference was ob
served between the upper duodenal and gastric and the upper duodenal a
nd splenic regions in the mean volume density of the islets, mean isle
t diameters, mean islet volume, mean number of cells per islet and mea
n numerical densities of A, B and D cells per islet (P < 0.05). The re
sults showed distinctive regional differences in the rat pancreas, not
only between the pancreatic regions derived from the ventral and dors
al primordia, but also among the 3 regions derived from the dorsal pri
mordium. These regional differences may reflect special functional ada