Community work has been available as a sentencing disposition in Austr
alia for about 15 years. Little is known, however, about the relative
impact of different types of community work placements on offenders. T
here is some evidence that when offenders are placed on worksites with
other offenders, they may be influenced by those offenders and in tur
n become more criminal. On the other hand, offenders who are placed on
worksites where they either work on their own, or alongside members o
f the community, may be influenced in a more prosocial direction. This
study considers this issue and finds that offenders placed on worksit
es with other offenders are more likely to commit breaches of their or
ders in comparison to those placed on individual worksites. Whilst tho
se placed on group worksites are more likely to be high risk offenders
, the differences remain significant, even when the levels of risk are
taken into account.