The electrocardiograms in 8 patients dth Gushing's syndrome and 4 with
Gushing's disease were studied. The patients were divided into group
A with electrocardiographic abnormalities and group B without. The mea
n age was significantly higher in group B than in group A. However, bl
ood pressure, mean heart rate and the plasma adrenocorticotropic hormo
ne level showed no significant differences between the two groups. In
group A, the plasma concentration of cortisol had a tendency to be hig
her than in group B (A vs. B: 281 +/- 100 ng/ml, 188 +/- 9 ng/ml, resp
ectively). Echocardiography performed on three of four patients in gro
up A revealed cardiac hypertrophy. While, in group B, echocardiography
performed on two patients showed no hypertrophic findings. As a resul
t, it seems that the electrocardiographic changes are correlated with
the plasma level of cortisol via myocardial hypertrophy.