Previous studies have generally considered heading perception to be a
visual task. However, since judgments of heading direction are require
d only during self-motion, there are several other relevant senses whi
ch could provide supplementary and, in some cases, necessary informati
on to make accurate and precise judgments of the direction of self-mot
ion. We assessed the contributions of several of these senses using ta
sks chosen to reflect the reference system used by each sensory modali
ty. Head-pointing and rod-pointing tasks were performed in which subje
cts aligned either the head or an unseen pointer with the direction of
motion during whole body linear motion. Passive visual and vestibular
stimulation was generated by accelerating subjects at sub- or supra-v
estibular thresholds down a linear track. The motor-kinesthetic system
was stimulated by having subjects actively walk along the track. A he
lmet-mounted optical system, fixed either on the cart used to provide
passive visual or vestibular information or on the walker used in the
active walking conditions, provided a stereoscopic display of an optic
al flow field. Subjects could be positioned at any orientation relativ
e to the heading, and heading judgments were obtained using unimodal v
isual, vestibular, or walking cues, or combined visual-vestibular and
visual-walking cues. Vision alone resulted in reasonably precise and a
ccurate head-pointing judgments (0.3 degrees constant errors, 2.9 degr
ees variable errors), but not rod-pointing judgments (3.5 degrees cons
tant errors, 5.9 degrees variable errors). Concordant visual-walking s
timulation slightly decreased the variable errors and reduced constant
pointing errors to close to zero, while head-pointing errors were una
ffected. Concordant visual-vestibular stimulation did not facilitate e
ither response. Stimulation of the vestibular system in the absence of
vision produced imprecise rod-pointing responses, while variable and
constant pointing errors in the active walking condition were comparab
le to those obtained in the visual condition. During active self-motio
n, subjects made large head-pointing undershoots when visual informati
on was not available. These results suggest that while vision provides
sufficient information to identify the heading direction, it cannot,
in isolation, be used to guide the motor response required to point to
ward or move in the direction of self-motion.