Within the earth sciences, governmental and non-governmental structure
s support international scientific activities. The aim of the Internat
ional Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) which has over 100 member co
untries, includes the encouragement of research on geological problems
of fundamental or applied character and the promotion of internationa
l interdisciplinary cooperation in geology and related sciences. The I
UGS does not perform research, but rather promotes the realisation of
activities that otherwise might be impossible or very difficult to org
anise without an international catalyst. Scientific activities of the
IUGS are carried out by its 12 commissions, by international committee
s or by affiliated organisations-today more than 30-which are autonomo
us international associations or societies. These numerous scientific
bodies constitute a network of tens of thousands of geologists around
the world. The main role of IUGS is coordination of activities to mini
mise duplication of effort and to promote joint ventures so that resou
rces and responsibilities are shared.