The use of deep frozen allografts is not a recent technic. The evoluti
on of the conservative technics authorize a sufficent preservation of
osseous and cartilaginous structure. The clinical results are consider
ed as good in most of the cases. The intra medullary cells are most in
volved in immunological responses but clinically speaking only 10 % to
20 % of the case treated has a reject. The becoming of the grafted ti
ssue is best if the recipient is young, the graft well fixed and the m
uscular surrounding well vascularized. 454 grafts and 64 massive osteo
chondral allografts have been archived between 1979 and 1993 for traum
atic, tumoral, and surgical deseases. The results have been considered
as good or excellent in 85 % of the cases. The actuel problems are th
e biomechanical behaviour of the ligamentary revascularization and fix
ation which gives in numerous cases a high percentage of loosening.