High-resolution radar data collected in Florida during the Convection
and Precipitation/Electrification Experiment are used to elucidate the
microphysical and kinematic processes occurring during the transition
of a multicellular storm from convective to stratiform stages. A stat
istical technique is employed to examine the evolving properties of th
e ensemble small-scale variability of radar reflectivity, vertical vel
ocity, and differential reflectivity over the entire storm. Differenti
al radar reflectivity data indicate that the precipitation at upper le
vels was nearly glaciated early in the storm's lifetime. Dual-Doppler
radar data show that throughout the storm's lifetime both updrafts and
downdrafts were present at all altitudes and that most of the volume
of the radar echo contained vertical velocities incapable of supportin
g precipitation-size particles. Thus, the ensemble microphysical prope
rties of the storm were increasingly dominated by particles falling in
an environment of weak vertical velocity, and the radar reflectivity
began to take on a statistically stratiform character during the early
stages of the storm. This stratiform structure became more distinct a
s the storm aged. Two dynamically distinct downdrafts were indicated.
Lower-level downdrafts were associated with precipitation. Upper-level
downdrafts were dynamically associated with the stronger upper-level
updrafts and were likely primarily a consequence of the pressure gradi
ent forces required to maintain mass continuity in the presence of buo
yant updrafts.