The culturability of Vibrio cholerae O1 serotype Inaba strain 569B was
decreased by the addition of glucose to cell suspensions in starvatio
n media. A similar effect was observed with sucrose, maltose, and fruc
tose. We term this inhibitory effect glucose shock It was not observed
with arabinose or xylose or with carboxylates, such as acetate and py
ruvate. No acidification of the medium occurred in the presence of the
se carbohydrates. Glucose shock was prevented by the addition of nitro
gen or phosphorus sources. In the presence of phosphate, the bacterium
produced formic acid from glucose. The phenomenon of glucose shock wa
s also observed in V. cholerae O1 serotype Inaba strain RIMD 2203082 b
ut not in strain RIMD 2203088 (O1 Inaba), IID 936 (O1 Ogawa), or RIMD
2214034 (non-O1). The culturability of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter
aerogenes; and Listonella anguillarum did not decrease in starvation m
edia with added glucose. Hence, the phenomenon should have ecological
significance in determining the distribution of bacteria in marine eco
systems in situations where carbohydrates are abundant, but nitrogen a
nd phosphorus are limiting.