BACKGROUND Meningiomas are generally solid tumors and are easily diagn
osed by CT scans and MRI scans. Rarely are these tumors associated wit
h cysts that can cause a confusion in the pre- and intraoperative diag
nosis. Cysts associated with meningiomas may be intratumoral or peritu
moral. METHODS The authors conducted a retrospective study of the seve
nteen meningiomas, out of a total number of 232, which were associated
with cysts. The cysts were classified based on their relationship to
the tumor. The patients' sex, age group, location of the tumor, and pa
thological type of tumor were also analyzed. RESULTS The 17 cases of c
ystic meningioma formed 7.3% of the meningiomas seen between 1984 and
1993. Eleven of these were intratumoral and 6 peritumoral. One case ha
d both intra- and peritumoral cysts. The tumors were found mostly in t
he fourth and fifth decades of life. Histologically, all the peritumor
al cysts except one were associated with meningotheliomatous meningiom
as. Tumors with peritumoral cysts were more common in males. Intratumo
ral cysts, more common in females, were angioblastic or meningotheliom
atous on histopathology. Only one case was an anaplastic meningioma. C
ONCLUSION Cysts associated with meningiomas, although uncommon, are ce
rtainly not rare. The peritumoral and the intratumoral cysts form dist
inct subtypes needing separate consideration. Cystic meningiomas are o
nly rarely malignant.