The clinical and imaging features of a paraganglioma of the cauda equi
na are presented. A peridural anesthesia revealed the cauda equina com
pression syndrom in a 68 years old man who presented first with a urin
ary retention. Total surgical excision of a long round-shaped encapsul
ated tumor was uneventful. Macroscopically this lesion filled up the s
pinal canal and resembled to a meningioma. It was firmly attached to t
he filum terminale. Adjacent large arterialized vessels visible on MRT
were spared. Although the diagnosis could be evoked pre-operatively o
n some suggestive patterns on the MRI, the pathological findings final
ly confirmed the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Along with the evidence o
f specific light microscopic features, the use of an immunocytochemica
l demonstration of synaptophysine in these tumors allows a confident d
iagnosis to be made.