A computer software package has been developed to simulate drug concen
tration-time profiles based on differential equations that describe 1,
2 and 3 compartment body models (CBM) with linear or nonlinear elimin
ation. Since drug concentration-time data evaluation is an integral pa
rt of pharmacokinetics, simulation of the corresponding drug concentra
tion-time profile is a valuable tool to understand the interplay of va
rious pharmacokinetic parameters. Beginning pharmacokinetics students
as well as researchers benefit from such simulation programs. The user
controls graphing specifications including axes labels, axes scales a
nd values. Simulations are performed based on the user assigned pharma
cokinetic parameters such as central volume of distribution, eliminati
on rate constant, absorption rate constant, dosing regimens, and if ap
plicable, compartmental transfer rate constants. High resolution graph
ic capabilities allow generation of concentration or amount of drug ve
rsus time profile from any compartment on either a cartesian or semilo
garithmic plot. Parameters and dosing regimens can be changed after ea
ch dose, enabling users to evaluate the relationship between pharmacok
inetic variables and their impact on drug concentrations in the body.
Model equations can also be modified to meet individual needs. The pro
grams are flexible and user-friendly. Simulations ranging from a simpl
e 1CBM to the complex 3CBM employing various drug input and eliminatio
n functions can be performed using this software. The completeness and
versatility of this software package provides a useful educational to
ol in undergraduate pharmacokinetics courses as well as graduate and r
esearch settings.