The authors of this paper are attempting to assess the existence of ge
netic predisposition for alcohol dependence by utilizing a quantitativ
e analysis of the characteristics of the dermatoglyphs of digito-palma
r complex. The sample of 117 male alcohol dependents and 200 phenotypi
cally healthy males was analyzed by the methods of descriptive statist
ics and by the analysis of variance which indicated statistically mean
ingful difference in the number of ridges in the first and fifth finge
r of both hands and in the number of all examined palm variables as we
ll as in the size of the atd angle. By applying the discriminative ana
lysis it was possible to separate the healthy population from the popu
lation of the sick in 76.34% of cases. Five factors have been extruded
by the factor analysis out of which the first was a digital factor wh
ile the others were palmar for both groups. The factors III, IV and V
differ among the groups in the extrusion of certain variables. All the
se findings indicate an existing difference in the characteristics of
the dermatoglyphs of digito-palmar complex between the patients suffer
ing from alcohol dependence and the control group, and therefore, indi
cate the genetic predisposition of alcoholism.