We have previously found the presence of endothelin (ET) receptor and
ET-like immunoreactivity in rat testis. We now extend our studies from
rat to human testis. We found expression of a specific transcript for
ET-1 and ET-1-like immunoreactivity in human testis. Positive stainin
g was confined to the Sertoli cells of the tubular compartment, althou
gh few peritubular and interstitial cells were also stained. We also i
dentified specific ET(A) and ET(B) receptor transcripts in human testi
s; ET(A) expression was more abundant than the ET(B) expression. Mathe
matical analysis of multiple self-and cross-competition studies among
[I-125]ET-1, [I-125]ET-3, and analogues confirmed the presence of the
ET(A) and ET(B) isoreceptors. in testicular homogenates, the ET(A) rec
eptor was sevenfold more concentrated than the ET(B) receptor. In orde
r to localize the receptors, we performed [I-125]ET-1 autoradiography.
Binding sites were mostly concentrated into the seminiferous tubules,
although interstitial and peritubular myoid cells were also positive.
Within the seminiferous tubules, [I-125]ET-1 binding sites were confi
ned to primary and secondary spermatocytes and early spermatids, where
as Sertoli cells were negative. We were unable to demonstrate the pres
ence of functional ET receptors in ejaculated spermatozoa. Because ET-
like immunoreactivity was present in Sertoli cells, we next asked whet
her authentic ET-1 is present in human seminal fluid and represents a
good index for Sertoli cell function. Reverse-phase high-performance l
iquid chromatography analysis of ET-like immunoreactivity in seminal f
luid indicated that most of the detected peptides correspond to the ET
-1 precursor, big-ET-1. The seminal concentration of ET-like immunorea
ctivity was similar in normospermic, oligospermic, azoospermic, and va
sectomized men, indicating that ETs are produced in different parts of
the male genital tract and that they do not represent an useful tool
far the diagnosis of male reproductive diseases. In conclusion, this s
tudy demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of ET-1 and its re
ceptors in human testis.