The concept of an ordinal instrumental probabilistic comparison is int
roduced. It relies on an ordinal scale given a priori and on the conce
pt of stochastic dominance. It is used to define a weakly independentl
y ordered system, or isotonic ordinal probabilistic (ISOP) model, whic
h allows the construction of separate ''sample-free'' ordinal scales o
n a set of ''subjects'' and a set of ''items''. The ISOP-model is a co
mmon nonparametric theoretical structure for unidimensional models for
quantitative, ordinal and dichotomous variables. Fundamental theorems
on dichotomous and polytomous weakly independently ordered systems ar
e derived. It is shown that the raw score system has the same formal p
roperties as the latent system, and therefore the latter can be tested
at the observed empirical level.