Approximately 24% (170/710) of porcine (dG-dT)n - (dC-dA)n microsatell
ites isolated in our laboratory are associated with a previously descr
ibed porcine Short Interdispersed Element (SINE) termed PRE-1 SINE. An
other 5.6% (40/710) of the microsatellites were adjacent to two previo
usly unidentified SINE sequences, which we have designated ARE-1P (Art
iodactyl Repetitive Element-1 Porcine) and ARE-2P. The ARE repeats wer
e also found in bovine microsatellite and genomic sequences in the Gen
Bank database. Genotypic information was obtained from 68.9% of primer
s where at least one primer sequence was obtained from the PRE-1 SINE
and 66.6% of primer pairs designed from the ARE SINEs. The use of prim
ers derived from SINEs significantly increases the number of primer pa
irs available for genetic linkage studies in swine.