Mortality data from official sources, and survival data from populatio
n-based cancer registries, are used for the estimation of incidence an
d prevalence of stomach cancer. Time trends of morbidity, survival, an
d mortality during the period 1970-90 are presented and analyzed Incid
ence rates were decreasing during the considered period, but the rate
of decrease was slowing down during the last decade. Almost stable rat
es, and even slightly increasing for women, were estimated for the you
ngest cohorts. Relative survival for stomach cancer was higher for wom
en and for young ages; it was associated positively with period of dia
gnosis, and presented a significant South-North geographic gradient. P
revalence was estimated as decreasing during the period 1970-80, but i
ncreasing during the successive decade, due to both better survival an
d population aging. Projection of stomach cancer morbidity and mortali
ty to the year 2000 showed that the disease should still be considered
in Italy as a major public health problem.