Objective: To compare ondansetron and domperidone for the treatment of
delayed nausea/vomiting (DN/V) following highly emetogenic chemothera
py, after attaining total suppression of emesis on the day of chemothe
rapy by means of ondansetron (combined with dexamethasone in the case
of cisplatin-treated patients). Methods: Domperidone (3 x 20 mg daily)
was compared with ondansetron (3 x 8 mg daily) in a randomized double
-blind placebo-controlled study. Out of 65 consecutive patients who re
ceived a first course of either cyclophosphamide and cisplatin for adv
anced stage ovarian cancer or cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and 5-fluo
rouracil for metastatic breast carcinoma, 60 patients were eligible fo
r entering the study. According to data from the literature these chem
otherapeutic regimens will induce DN/V to a comparable degree. The pat
ients were questioned daily from day 2 through day 5 by the same inves
tigator and the severity of nausea or vomiting was scored on a numeric
al scale. Results: Emesis was totally suppressed in all patients on th
e day of chemotherapy. As to DN/V, 16 out of 20 patients receiving pla
cebo required ''rescue'' medication versus none in the other two group
s (p < 0.001). Only 2 (10%) patients were symptomatic with domperidone
versus 9 (45%) symptomatic patients in the ondansetron-treated group
(p < 0.05). Conclusions: Both drugs are effective, but domperidone (3
x 20 mg) is more effective than ondansetron (3 x 8 mg) for the prevent
ion of the delayed nausea and/or vomiting which occur after highly eme
togenic chemotherapy (p < 0.05).