In order to reduce the strain on the environment from the deposition o
f waste in landfills and combustion at incineration plants, several go
vernments throughout the industrialized world have planned greatly inc
reased recycling of domestic waste by the turn of the millennium. To i
mplement the plans, new waste recycling facilities are to be built and
the number of workers involved in waste sorting and recycling will in
crease steadily during the next decade. Several studies have reinforce
d the hypothesis that exposure to airborne microorganisms and the toxi
c products thereof are important factors causing a multitude of health
problems among workers at waste sorting and recycling plants. Workers
at transfer stations, landfills and incineration plants may experienc
e an increased risk of pulmonary disorders and gastrointestinal proble
ms. High concentrations of total airborne dust, bacteria, faecal colif
orm bacteria and fungal spores have been reported. The concentrations
are considered to be sufficiently high to cause adverse health effects
. In addition,a high incidence of lower back injuries, probably due to
heavy lifting during work, has been reported among workers at landfil
ls and incineration plants. Workers involved in manual sorting of unse
parated domestic waste, as well as workers at compost plants experienc
e more or less frequent symptoms of organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS)
(cough, chest-tightness, dyspnoea, influenza-like symptoms such as ch
ills, fever, muscle ache, joint pain, fatigue and headache), gastroint
estinal problems such as nausea and diarrhoea, irritation of the skin,
eye and mucous membranes of the nose and upper airways, etc. In addit
ion cases of severe occupational pulmonary diseases (asthma, alveoliti
s, bronchitis) have been reported. Manual sorting of unseparated domes
tic waste may be associated with exposures to large quantities of airb
orne bacteria and endotoxin. Several work functions in compost plants
can result in very high exposure to airborne fungal spores and thermop
hilic actinomycetes. At plants sorting separated domestic waste, e.g.
the combustable fraction of waste composed of paper, cardboard and pla
stics, the workers may have an increased risk of gastrointestinal symp
toms and irritation of the eyes and skin. At such plants the bioaeroso
l exposure levels are in general low, but at some work tasks, e.g. man
ual sorting and work near the balers, exposure levels may occasionally
be high enough to be potentially harmful. Workers handling the source
-sorted paper or cardboard fraction do not appear to have an elevated
risk of occupational health problems related to bioaerosol exposure, a
nd the bioaerosol exposure is generally low. To our knowledge no studi
es have yet been published on occupational health problems and exposur
es in relation to recycling of glass or metal tins, or in relation to
the production of biogas from biodegradable domestic waste. Limited in
formation exists on the risk and causal factors of the occupational he
alth problems, and analytical epidemiological studies and surveillance
programmes need to be undertaken to elucidate causal links between ex
posures and work-related health problems. These programs can provide d
ata which can be used for administrative regulations and recommendatio
ns, e.g. establishment of occupational exposure limits (OELs), to prev
ent occupational health problems at existing waste recycling plants as
well as the large number of plants to be built throughout the industr
ialized world in the near future. When establishing such OELs attentio
n should be paid to a series of technical problems which have not yet
attracted sufficient attention: average versus peak airborne exposure,
total versus inhalable aerosol exposure, microbial viriability, viabl
e versus total microorgamsms and static area air sampling versus perso
nal air sampling. In addition, synergistic interactions between the di
fferent components of the bioaerosol exposure as well as individual su
sceptibility may be of importance when OELs for exposures at waste sor
ting and recycling plants are to be established.