Multiple-field carbon-13 relaxation data are reported for melezitose,
a trisaccharide consisting of two alpha-linked glucose residues attach
ed at positions 2 and 3 to a beta-linked fructofuranose residue, Value
s for T-1 and NOE were measured at 4.7, 9.4, 11.8 and 14.1 T and trans
verse relaxation rates at 4.7 and 9.4 T. The measurements were carried
out by means of standard techniques and by polarization transfer (INE
PT) enhanced methods. The relaxation data were interpreted with the Li
pari-Szabo 'model-free' approach. It was found that the relaxation dat
a of the ring carbons can be described by the use of the truncated for
m of the Lipari-Szabo equation, The global correlation time and order
parameter for melizitose were calculated at two temperatures. For the
exocyclic CH2 carbons, fits to obtain a local correlation time are rep
orted For three out of the four exocyclic carbons, a fast correlation
time is obtained and their order parameter is lower than that for the
ring carbons., The fructose C-l exocyclic carbon does not seem to disp
lay the same local motions as the other CH2 groups, and a higher order
parameter is obtained indicating hindered local motion of that CH2 gr