Objective: To verify two hypotheses: a) Inline microwave warming of co
ld in-date packed red blood cells (RBCs) does not produce significant
hemolysis; and b) in-line microwave warming achieves higher outlet tem
peratures as compared with current blood warming technology at high fl
ow rates (>250 mL/min), Design: Multiple part, randomized, controlled
study, Setting: Surgical research laboratory of a large university med
ical center. Subjects: Twenty-four units of cold, ready for transfusio
n in-date packed RBCs ranging in storage age from 6 to 16 days. Interv
entions: Part I: Microwave apparatus outlet, warmed vs. unwarmed. Six
units of cold packed RBCs was split into paired samples and infused at
13 mL/min through a 700-watt in-line microwave test apparatus. One pa
ired specimen was warmed to 37 degrees C; the other was infused withou
t warming (control). Blood was analyzed at the outlet, Part II: Microw
ave and countercurrent warming, inlet vs, outlet. Twelve units of cold
packed RBCs was analyzed biochemically both before (inlet) and after
(outlet) simulated transfusions, Six units was infused through a 900-w
att in-line microwave test apparatus at >500 mL/min, Six separate cold
units were warmed at this rate using single channel countercurrent wa
ter bath warming, Part III: Microwave and counter-current technology,
inlet vs. outlet, warmed vs. unwarmed. a) Six units of cold packed RBC
s was also analyzed biochemically and infused at 5 mL/min through eith
er a microwave or countercurrent water bath warmer. b) Packed RBCs fro
m the units used in part a) were allowed to remain stationary in the m
icrowave heating cartridge for 15 mins with an activated heating eleme
nt, Parallel stationary flow studies were done using the countercurren
t blood warmer. Control unwarmed samples were also tested. Measurement
s and Main Results: Part I: No statistical differences in hemolysis pa
rameters were observed between microwave warmed and unwarmed packed RB
Cs. Part II: At high-flow rates, no statistical increases in hemolysis
parameters were seen after in-line microwave or countercurrent water
bath warming as compared with prewarmed cold controls, Part III: At sl
ow-flow rates, nonstatistically significant increases were seen by pas
sing the packed RBCs through either test apparatus unwarmed, Packed RB
Cs remaining stationary within microwave and countercurrent heating ca
rtridges for 15 mins did show biochemical evidence of hemolysis, Mean
plasma hemoglobin increased from 14 +/- 1.7 mg/dL in cold prewarmed un
its to 57.7 +/- 5.8 mg/dL (p < .05), when warmed in the microwave heat
ing cartridge, and to 55.2 +/- 25 mg/dL (p < .05), when warmed in the
countercurrent heat exchanger. Outlet Temperature Studies. Part II: Th
e in-line 900-watt microwave device warmed cold units from a mean inle
t temperature of 8.3 +/- 0.3 degrees C to a mean outlet temperature of
31.8 +/- 0.5 degrees C within 5 sees at a mean flow rate of 556 mL/mi
n, At 30 sees, the mean outlet temperature was 33.9 +/- 0.4 degrees C
(mean inlet temperature = 9.6 +/- 0.2 degrees C) for microwave warmed
packed RBCs as compared with 32.1 +/- 0.5 degrees C (mean inlet temper
ature = 9.6 +/- 0.3 degrees C) in countercurrent water bath warmed blo
od (p < .05). From 20 to 30 sees, the packed RBCs warmed by microwave
were statistically warmer than the countercurrent water bath warmed pa
cked RBCs. Conclusions: a) Both in-line countercurrent warming and in-
line microwave warming were associated with small increases in paramet
ers of red cell damage representing statistically and clinically insig
nificant hemolysis. b) Blood sitting in any blood warming device is su
bject to statistically significant but clinically irrelevant increases
in those parameters. c) At high-flow rates, the in-line microwave dev
ice warmed blood to higher outlet temperatures than the single channel
countercurrent water bath warmer. This method may represent a clinica
l blood warming modality of the near future.