Some patients with endobronchial tuberculosis (EBTB) have wheeze on ph
ysical examination and normal chest PA, which mimic bronchial asthma.
Non-specific bronchial challenge tests have been used to confirm the p
resence of bronchial hyperreactivity, which is a hallmark of bronchial
asthma. To evaluate the effect of endobronchial tuberculous inflammat
ion on bronchial responsiveness to histamine, the provocation concentr
ations of histamine required to reduce FEV(1) by 20% of the pre-challe
nge baseline (PC20) were compared between patients with EBTB, patients
with symptomatic bronchial asthma and normal, healthy controls. PC20
in EBTB patients (17.2 +/- 2.3 mg ml(-1)) and normal controls (19.5 +/
- 1.4 mg ml(-1)) were significantly higher than in bronchial asthma pa
tients (0.99 +/- 0.15 mg ml(-1)). PC20 in EBTB patients was not affect
ed by disease location in the bronchial tree and was not correlated wi
th FVC or FEV(1). In conclusion, one should consider the possibility o
f EBTB for differential diagnosis from bronchial asthma, if airway res
ponsiveness appears normal in wheezy patients.