We have examined the similarities and differences in the organization
of tubulin genes in New World Leishmania by restriction endonuclease d
igestion of genomic DNA and Southern blot analysis, using heterologous
and homologous tubulin gene probes. as judged by the hybridization pa
ttern and the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), there w
ere large differences in both the restriction and hybridization patter
ns of the beta-tubulin sequences between stocks of the mexicana and br
aziliensis complexes. There were similarities in the hybridization pat
terns of different species of the mexicana complex. In contrast, a hig
h heterogeneity was found between species of the braziliensis complex
which includes intraspecific variation. The results suggest that this
polymorphism may be associated with random mutations. The same analysi
s gave evidence of large differences in the beta-tubulin gene restrict
ion pattern between New and Old World Leishmania. This variation in th
e beta-tubulin gene region was sufficient to distinguish between New a
nd Old World Leishmania groups and between stocks of the mexicana and
braziliensis complexes.