The authors report two cases of tricuspid regurgitation by a ruptured
anterior papillary muscle secondary to non-penetrating thoracic trauma
. In the presence of suggestive clinical and electrocardiographic abno
rmalities (systolic murmur, right heart failure, right bundle branch b
lock), echocardiography confirmed the tricuspid regurgitation, showed
its mechanism and excluded any other intracardiac lesions. Tricuspid a
nnuloplasty was performed in both cases because of the persistance of
failure or degradation of the patient's clinical condition. Peroperati
ve echocardiography was used to judge the quality of the surgical repa
ir in both cases. Traumatic tricuspid regurgitation is a rare conditio
n and the diagnosis is often delayed. Echocardiography is the investig
ation of choice and guides treatment which is essentially valvular rep
air in symptomatic patients.