An extensive sampling of Lake Mikri Prespa was carried out in summer 1
990, aimed at evaluating benthic abundance, recording the species invo
lved and detecting their response to some environmental variables. Thr
ee oligochaete species are endemic to the region, Potamothrix prespaen
sis, Psammoryctides ochridanus variabilis and Psammoryctides ochridanu
s typica. The bathymetric curve of the benthos resembles that of eutro
phic lakes. A great abundance of Chironomus plumosus and Chaoborus fla
vicans occurred. Four community patterns were revealed by TWINSPAN ana
lysis, division level two, explicitly discriminated by the influence o
f substrate type, depth, C/N ratio and pH. Species richness and divers
ity was minimal in the profundal and maximal in the shallows, whilst t
he equitability index was high in all site groups. Depth and bottom ty
pe were the most important variables in defining species distribution.
More precisely, Chironomus plumosus, Chaoborus flavicans and Potamoth
ix hammoniensis were ubiquitous, preferring mostly deep waters. Tanyta
rsus sp., Einfeldia dissidens, Cladopelma lateralis, Tanypus punctipen
nis and Potamothrix prespaensis favoured shallower and less productive
waters with a bottom rich in decaying plant fragments, and the Psammo
ryctides species showed a littoral origin and regular occurrence on gr
avel beds. A few species displayed a particular distribution with chan
ges of depth, C/N ratio and pH.