This was a unblinded clinical trial of the stimulant methylphenidate (
Ritalin(TM)) for nicotine withdrawal. Nineteen nicotine-dependent smok
ers received oral methylphenidate (30 mg target daily dosage) for 5 da
ys following abrupt cessation. Tobacco withdrawal, Spielberger state a
nxiety, blood pressure, and pulse were measured at baseline, then seri
ally for 7 days. Tobacco withdrawal and state anxiety increased signif
icantly, but 12 (71%) of the 17 smokers who completed the study rated
withdrawal relief ''very definite'' and 13 (76%) rated this quit attem
pt ''much easier than other times.'' Methylphenidate neither increased
blood pressure nor blocked cessation-related pulse decrease and appea
rs safe for this indication. Twelve (63%) of the enrolled smokers were
confirmed abstinent at day 5. Methylphenidate effect on nicotine with
drawal should be studied in a placebo-controlled clinical trial.