Health-compromised drug-dependent patients require specialized treatme
nt that addresses both drug use and health risks. This preliminary stu
dy examines the efficacy of a contingency management procedure (shapin
g) on decreasing cocaine use and increasing compliance with the prescr
ibed treatment regimens in two health-compromised cocaine-dependent po
pulations: (i) tuberculin (TB) exposed patients (n = 5) and (ii) pregn
ant women (n = 7). A multiple-baseline across-subjects design was used
. There were no contingencies on cocaine use during baseline. During t
he contingent phase, patients received a monetary reinforcer for (a) s
uccessive decreases in the quantity of cocaine and (b) cocaine-free sa
mples. They received a weekly reinforcer if ail samples per week met c
riteria for (a) or (b). During the contingent phase, there was a signi
ficant decrease in cocaine metabolite levels and an increase in cocain
e-free samples in both populations, with a more robust effect in the T
B-exposed group. There was an increase in compliance with prenatal vis
its among the pregnant women during the contingent phase. Implications
for health care are discussed.