Humans with occluded vision were subjected to superslow tilts of the s
upporting platform, producing the inclination of the subject's body in
the sagittal plane, but subthreshold for the most vestibular and prop
rioceptive phasic reactions. Two types of perturbation were used: sinu
soidal tilts (frequency 0.007 Hz, amplitude 1.5 degrees) and ramps (am
plitude 1.0 and 0.25 degrees, angular velocity 0.04 degrees/s). During
slow sinusoidal tilts of the platform, the ankle angle and body posit
ion undergo periodical changes, but these changes have significant pha
se lead relative to the platform movement: 119 +/- 26 degrees for ankl
e angle and 55 +/- 19 degrees for body sway. Gains were about 0.9 for
both parameters. Large phase shift (tens of seconds) indicated a long
delay in compensation of body inclination by ankle joint. The ramp til
t produced an initial body deviation followed by a slow (seconds or te
ns of seconds) approach of body position to a new steady level after t
he termination of ramp. Large slow body movements were superimposed wi
th small irregular oscillations (about 10% of the amplitude of large d
isplacements) of higher frequency. These oscillations resembled normal
stabilograms on a stationary support. Thus, the usual process of stab
ilization of body gravity center was continued, though not around a fi
xed set-point but relative to a slowly changing position. Data obtaine
d support the hypothesis that, besides operative control assigned to c
ompensate deviations from a reference position, the system of postural
control includes at least one additional level, which elaborates this
reference using information about mutual position of body links, musc
ular torques and interaction with the support on the basis of criteria
taking into account the energy cost of standing and demands for stabi
lity and security.