Background Growth hormone has been shown to increase maximum isometric
active force of the left ventricular papillary muscle of rats in vitr
o. Administration of growth hormone causes an increase in myocardial c
ontractility in normal humans. Our preliminary study suggests that tre
atment with growth hormone results in increased ventricular contractil
ity in rats with left ventricular dysfunction. In the present study, t
he effects of growth hormone on cardiac function, including cardiac ou
tput, stroke volume, and peripheral vascular resistance, were determin
ed in a rat model of heart failure. Methods and Results Ligation of th
e left coronary artery or sham operation was performed; 4 weeks after
surgery, recombinant human growth hormone (2 mg/kg per day SC) or vehi
cle then was administered for 15 days. The animals were catheterized a
fter 13 days of the treatment. Cardiac output, measured by a thermodil
ution method, and other hemodynamic parameters were measured in the co
nscious animals 2 days after catheterization. The infarct sizes induce
d by left coronary ligation were comparable between growth hormone-tre
ated vehicle-treated rats. Six weeks after ligation, rats treated with
vehicle exhibited significant decreases in cardiac index, stroke volu
me index, and left ventricular maximum dP/dt and increases in left ven
tricular end-diastolic pressure compared with sham rats. In the ligate
d rats, treatment with growth hormone increased cardiac index, stroke
volume index, and left ventricular maximum dP/dt (P<.05) and reduced l
eft ventricular end-diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistanc
e (P<.05). In sham rats, growth hormone slightly reduced arterial pres
sure but did not significantly alter cardiac performance. There was no
significant difference in heart rate between the experimental groups.
Conclusions These results suggest that growth hormone treatment may i
mprove cardiac function by both increased myocardial contractility and
decreased peripheral vascular resistance in heart failure.