A 2-year study was conducted in field microplots to determine the rela
tive importance of soybean phenology and soil temperature on induction
of dormancy in Heterodera glycines in Missouri. Four near-isogenic so
ybean lines differing for maturity date were planted in microplots inf
ested with a race 5 isolate of H. glycines. Soil temperature was monit
ored at a depth of 15 cm. Eggs of H. glycines, extracted from cysts co
llected monthly from each microplot, were used in hatching tests and b
ioassays to determine dormancy. Egg hatching and second-stage juvenile
(J2) infectivity rates decreased sharply from their highest levels in
midsummer (July-August) to a low level by October of each year and re
mained low (< 10% hatching and < 0.2 J2/cm root) until May or June of
the following year. The patterns of numbers of females and eggs in the
bioassays were similar. The decreases were not related to soil temper
ature and did not differ consistently among soybean isolines. The mono
phasic changes in all nematode responses with peak midsummer rates sug
gest that H. glycines produces one primary generation per year in cent
ral Missouri. Changes in hatching rates and the timing of minimum and
maximum rates suggested that H. glycines eggs exhibit more than one ty
pe of dormancy.