We compared the properties of common carotid and femoral arteries of 1
6 normotensive and 14 hypertensive men. Arterial pressure and diameter
were recorded noninvasively in each vessel by tonometric and echotrac
king devices. The x-y composition of pressure and diameter waves provi
ded the diameter-pressure hysteresis loop. The elastic diameter-pressu
re curve and wall viscosity index were deduced after hysteresis elimin
ation. The compliance-pressure and distensibility-pressure curves were
derived from the diameter-pressure curve, allowing the calculation of
effective compliance and distensibility at the prevailing pressure of
each subject and isobaric compliance and distensibility at the same s
tandard pressure in all subjects. Systolic, diastolic, mean, and pulse
pressures and diameters in each vessel were higher in the hypertensiv
e than the normotensive group, except carotid pulse diameter, which di
d not differ. The carotid diameter-pressure, compliance-pressure, and
distensibility-pressure curves did not differ between groups. In the c
arotid artery hypertensive patients had isobaric compliance and disten
sibility values similar to those of normotensive subjects, despite low
er effective compliance (P<.05) and distensibility (P<.01). The femora
l diameter-pressure curve was higher (P<.05) and the femoral complianc
e-pressure and distensibility-pressure curves were lower (P<.01) in th
e hypertensive than the normotensive group. Hypertensive patients had
effective and isobaric femoral compliance and distensibility values lo
wer than to those of normotensive subjects (P<.001). In both arteries,
viscosity index was higher in the hypertensive than the normotensive
group (P<.001). In hypertension, the pressure-independent alterations
of geometric and elastic properties were distributed preferentially to
the femoral artery, and the alteration of wall viscosity affected car
otid and femoral sites in a uniform manner.