The nucellar ultrastructure of apomictic Panicum maximum was analyzed
during the meiocytic stage and during aposporous embryo sac formation.
At pachytene the megameiocyte shows a random cell organelle distribut
ion and sometimes only an incomplete micropylar callose wall. The chal
azal nucellar cells are meristematic until the tetrad stage. They can
turn into initial cells of aposporous embryo sacs. The aposporous init
ials can be recognized by their increased cell size, large nucleus, an
d the presence of many vesicles. The cell wall is thin with few plasmo
desmata. If only a sexual embryo sac is formed, the nucellar cells ret
ain their meristematic character. The aposporous initial cell is somew
hat comparable to a vacuolated functional megaspore, It shows large va
cuoles around the central nucleus and is surrounded by a thick cell wa
ll without plasmodesmata. In the mature aposporous embryo sac the stru
cture of the cells of the egg apparatus is similar to each other. In t
he chalazal part of the egg apparatus the cell walls are thin and do n
ot hamper the transfer of sperm cells. Structural and functional aspec
ts of nucellar cell differentiation and aposporous and sexual embryo s
ac development are discussed.